Mikko Huimala, Maria Wasastjerna, and Jenni Heurlin’s Article in Defensor Legis Law Journal’s 100th Anniversary Issue
7 October 2020
Partners Mikko Huimala and Maria Wasastjerna and Associate Jenni Heurlin have contributed to the 100th anniversary issue of Defensor Legis with their article titled “Vastuullisuus osana tehokkuuspuolustusta EU:n kilpailuoikeudessa”, which deals with sustainability and competition law.
The article addresses the highly topical discussion theme on the interlinks between competition law and sustainability, including the possible ways of competition law contributing to the achievement of the sustainability goals and the application of competition law to sustainability agreements. Within this theme, the article focuses on the question of whether and how different sustainability goals could be taken into account by enforcers as part of the so-called efficiency defence when assessing the permissibility of cooperation between competitors.
The article is available here.
Defensor Legis is a law journal published by the Finnish Bar Association since 1920, and is the oldest attorney publication in the Nordic Countries. Defensor Legis includes in-depth articles from various fields of law, along with reviews of selected legal cases.