Peter Forsberg, Mikko Huimala, and Maria Wasastjerna as Speakers at Competition Law Nordic 2021 Conference
16 March 2021
Partners Peter Forsberg, Mikko Huimala, and Maria Wasastjerna will be participating as speakers at the Competition Law Nordic 2021 Conference on 23-24 March.
Maria Wasastjerna will be chairing the panel discussion on “Sustainability & Competition Law”, Peter Forsberg will be hosting the panel on the topic “Competition Law in the Digital Era”, and Mikko Huimala will be moderating the discussion on “Horizontal Cooperation, Information Exchange & Price Signalling”.
Competition Law Nordic 2021 Conference is a pan-Nordic competition law forum that brings together regulators, economists, in-house counsel, and private practice lawyers from the entire Nordic region.
When registering, use the code FKW83336HNS to receive a 30% discount.