News & Views

The Finnish Offshore Wind Power Legislation Regarding Exclusive Economic Zone (“EEZ”) Is Making Progress

29 August 2024

Authors: Katja Heikkinen and Minna Juhola

In May 2024, the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (“MEE”) circulated a draft Government Proposal regarding the new act on offshore wind power in the EEZ (“the Offshore Wind Power Act”) for comments. The draft Government Proposal received extensive feedback and altogether 57 statements were issued, among others by environmental, transportation, and energy authorities, Finnish courts, ministries, municipalities, regional councils, renewable and hydrogen energy companies, maritime industry, fishery representatives, and environmental NGOs. In general, the swift legislative process received positive feedback, but at the same time, several concerns were raised regarding the impacts on investments, market competitiveness, and maritime environment.

The legislative process is indeed currently progressing rapidly, and on 26 September 2024, MEE is organising a stakeholder event to discuss the received feedback and the planned revisions to the draft Government Proposal.

Our energy and environmental experts will be participating in the event and will report on our key takeaways on the planned upcoming changes of the legislation.

Read more about the Offshore Wind Power Act in our previous blog.

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