
Other Services

We use various tools and provide additional services to ensure the efficient delivery of legal services to our clients. Development, productivity, ease of use, innovation, ensuring fluent and effective communication, a high level of security, and choosing the best tools for each matter are the cornerstones of our digital approach.

Should you wish to pick our brain on legal tech, we are happy to arrange a meeting to exchange ideas.

Our client portal Collaborate enables you to use a secure portal when collaborating with us or any third parties involved in a transaction. Through your own project site, you can access shared files, view the status of the assignment, and message us securely. We also use Collaborate for project management, task management, shared checklists, and virtual data rooms. Collaborate is also linked to our other digital tools, such as DocuSign.

Our document automation system Automate allows you to generate the most frequently used contracts and other documents with minimum effort. You can commission our team to automate your templates in a way that fits your company's workflows, for instance, by setting certain thresholds for sending the contract to our lawyers or your own legal team for review. We will take care of keeping the templates and clause libraries up to date, so you have one less thing to worry about.

We have virtual data rooms available for the due diligence process. We can assist you in choosing the best solution, be it Collaborate or a third-party platform, whichever is optimal for your matter.

Leveraging machine learning saves time when analysing large bodies of documents and messages for due diligence or investigation purposes and when redacting material is needed. We train our staff in the use of our existing tools and continuously test new solutions and features to keep abreast with the rapidly evolving ways of exchanging and storing information and the development of the different areas of AI.

We use e-signing tools for efficient and speedy electronic signing of documents. Our current e-signing tool is DocuSign.

Our Knowledge Management Team provides regular follow-ups on applicable legislation and case law and is happy to prepare reports on separately agreed topics. In addition, our lawyers write articles and blog posts on current topics on a regular basis, which are posted under News & Views.

Our Translation Service Team can address any translation or proofreading needs related to your matter. We have a team of experienced in-house translators and good connections to third-party providers, enabling us to provide high-quality translation services to our clients.

Views & Events

Main Contacts

Taina Tenhunen

Head of Compliance & KM


Maria Antrea

Maria Antrea

Legal Tech Specialist
Elina Aulis

Elina Aulis

KM Specialist
Taija Niku

Taija Niku

Legal Tech Manager
Valter Pasanen

Valter Pasanen

Legal AI Analyst
Outi Talola

Outi Talola

Translation Service Manager
Taina Tenhunen

Taina Tenhunen

Head of Compliance & KM