Home PeopleMinja Jantunen Practices Criminal Investigations and Proceedings Dispute Resolution Employment Industries Consumer & Retail Energy & Infrastructure Engineering & Machinery Financial Services & Insurance Public Sector Real Estate & Construction Languages English, Finnish Download CV Download contact Send secure email LinkedIn Minja Jantunen Title: Senior Associate Dispute Resolution Email: minja.jantunen@hannessnellman.com Mobile: +358 40 587 9400 Languages: English, Finnish Practices Criminal Investigations and Proceedings Dispute Resolution Employment Industries Consumer & Retail Energy & Infrastructure Engineering & Machinery Financial Services & Insurance Public Sector Real Estate & Construction Languages English, Finnish Download CV Download contact Send secure email LinkedIn Minja specialises in commercial dispute resolution. She advises domestic and international clients especially in the fields of investigations, domestic litigation, international and domestic arbitration, criminal proceedings, employment law-related disputes, and post M&A disputes. Minja has experience in resolving complex and high-stake disputes through negotiations, arbitration, and litigation. Minja has gained experience in both internal and external investigation proceedings. Minja litigates cases regularly before the various instances of Finnish courts. She has extensive experience in disputes related to employment law, and she also represents clients in police investigations and subsequent criminal proceedings. Due to her experience as a counsel before Finnish courts and training on the bench at the District Court of Helsinki, Minja has gained an in-depth understanding of Finnish court proceedings. In addition, Minja represents clients regularly in domestic and international arbitrations. Minja has worked with clients active in many industries, including energy & infrastructure, consumer & retail, engineering & machinery, financial services & insurance, real estate & construction, and the public sector. Selected References Counsel to Outokumpu Corporation in an International ICC Arbitration, 2025 Hannes Snellman successfully represented Outokumpu Corporation in an international ICC arbitration between Fennovoima Oy and Rosatom entities where RAOS Project Oy sought to join Outokumpu in 2023. The Arbitral Tribunal accepted Outokumpu’s position denying jurisdiction over Outokumpu and ending the arbitration with respect to Outokumpu. In January 2023, RAOS Project filed a request to join Outokumpu in existing ICC arbitration proceedings, which related to the termination of the engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract between Fennovoima and RAOS Project regarding the Hanhikivi nuclear power plant. In February 2025, the Arbitral Tribunal confirmed that it did not have jurisdiction to adjudicate the claims brought by RAOS Project and JSC Rusatom Energy International (JSC REIN) against Outokumpu. Contacts Markus Manninen Partner +358 40 588 3645 markus.manninen@hannessnellman.com Anna-Maria Tamminen Partner +358 40 550 0687 anna-maria.tamminen@hannessnellman.com Ricardo Gomes Senior Associate +358 40 844 6009 ricardo.gomes@hannessnellman.com Ella Mäkijärvi Senior Associate +358 44 555 7005 ella.makijarvi@hannessnellman.com Minja Jantunen Senior Associate +358 40 587 9400 minja.jantunen@hannessnellman.com Minna Mäenpää Associate +358 40 718 1044 minna.maenpaa@hannessnellman.com Aleksiina Markkula Associate +358 44 054 1608 aleksiina.markkula@hannessnellman.com Ilmari Eskola Associate +385 400733950 ilmari.eskola@hannessnellman.com Mikael Wood Associate +358 45 7833 4708 mikael.wood@hannessnellman.com Kristiina Saukko Associate +358 40 610 6853 kristiina.saukko@hannessnellman.com Counsel to an international consortium in arbitral proceedings concerning the redemption of minority shares in a Finnish listed software company following a public tender offer Counsel to an international consortium in arbitral proceedings concerning the redemption of minority shares in a Finnish listed software company following a public tender offer. Contacts Markus Manninen Partner +358 40 588 3645 markus.manninen@hannessnellman.com Viktor Saavola Senior Associate +358 40 836 0803 viktor.saavola@hannessnellman.com Minja Jantunen Senior Associate +358 40 587 9400 minja.jantunen@hannessnellman.com Memberships and Positions of Trust Member of the Finnish Bar Association Member of the Young Arbitration Club Finland Member of the Association of Finnish Lawyers Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Football Association of Finland, 2018–2021 Professional Background Senior Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2022– Trained on the Bench, District Court of Helsinki, 2021–2022 Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2018–2022 Education Registered Mediator of the Finnish Bar Association, 2024 Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2018 Publications New ethical and disciplinary rules by the Finnish Olympic Committee, Sports Law & Taxation Vol.11 No.4 December 2020 (co-author)