Ella advises clients on business disputes, including domestic and international arbitration, commercial litigation before state courts, settlement negotiations, and mediation. Ella has gained experience in complex and high-stakes international arbitration and litigation proceedings. She has acted as counsel in arbitrations administered under major institutional rules (including FAI, SCC, and ICC) and being subject to the laws of various jurisdictions. In addition, Ella has experience of precautionary measures and court-assisted mediation. Due to her training on the bench at the District Court of Helsinki and acting as counsel in complex litigation proceedings in several instances of national courts, she has an in-depth understanding of Finnish court proceedings.

Ella’s experience covers many industry sectors, such as energy, construction, engineering, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, technology, and media. Ella is also a member of the Board of the Young Arbitration Club Finland.

Memberships and Positions of Trust

  • Member of the Finnish Bar Association
  • Member of the Board of Young Arbitration Club Finland
  • Member of the Association for Finnish Lawyers

Professional Background

  • Senior Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2021
  • Trained on the Bench, District Court of Helsinki, 2019
  • Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2017–2021


  • Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2017


  • Co-author of book chapters on Procedural Requirements for Ordering of Emergency Relief Ordered by an Emergency Arbitrator and Procedural Requirements for Provisional Reliefs Ordered by an Arbitral Tribunal in Provisional and Emergency Measures in International Arbitration (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023) together with Anna-Maria Tamminen, Isabelle Sundström Stridh, and Marcus Nyberg
  • Co-author of article “Pledged Shares as Contribution in Kind”, Helsinki Law Review 1/2017, together with Tetti Kunnas