Home PeopleAnnika Tiitola Practices Administrative Proceedings Competition & Regulatory Public Procurement Technology & Data Languages Finnish, English Download CV Download contact Send secure email LinkedIn Annika Tiitola Title: Associate Public Procurement, Technology, Data Email: annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Mobile: +358 45 679 2850 Languages: Finnish, English Practices Administrative Proceedings Competition & Regulatory Public Procurement Technology & Data Languages Finnish, English Download CV Download contact Send secure email LinkedIn Annika works in our Public Procurement and Technology & Data Teams. She advises both private and public sector clients across all stages of public procurement procedures. Her practice focuses on complex tendering competitions, compliance with public procurement legislation, and handling disputes and administrative court proceedings. Moreover, Annika has significant experience of direct awards and contract amendments. She also supports clients in M&A-related procurement questions and other compliance-related assignments in the field of procurement, healthcare, technology, and data. She frequently writes blogs and conducts training on public procurement. Selected References Counsel to multinational player specializing in medical devices and healthcare Counsel to multinational player specializing in medical devices and healthcare. Contacts Outi Jousi Specialist Partner +358 40 563 7343 outi.jousi@hannessnellman.com Jesper Nevalainen Partner +358 40 582 7826 jesper.nevalainen@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Counsel to Kesko Oyj and K-Citymarket stores in precedent ruling by the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, 2024 Hannes Snellman successfully represented Kesko Oyj and several K-Citymarket stores in multiple administrative court proceedings where Regional State Administrative Agencies had introduced restricting conditions to the alcohol retail trade licences of the K-Citymarket stores. Kesko and the K-Citymarket stores appealed the decisions of the Regional State Administrative Agencies, and in its first four decisions, the Administrative Court of Northern Finland ruled in favour of the appellants by revoking the conditions of the alcohol retail trade licences to a large extent and ordering the authorities to compensate for part of the legal costs incurred by the appellants. The decisions of the Administrative Court of Northern Finland were appealed by the Regional State Administrative Agencies and the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health. On 19 June 2024, the Supreme Administrative Court handed down a precedent ruling (KHO:2024:90), where the Court ruled in favour of the K-Citymarket stores. The Supreme Administrative Court confirmed that the Alcohol Act does not require that only the licence holder or their staff could hand over alcoholic beverages to the customers. Neither does the Alcohol Act require that the payment for an alcoholic beverage could only be received by the holder of the alcohol retail trade licence or an entity legally authorised to process payments. Therefore, the Regional State Administrative Agency could not impose the conditions in the retail trade licence based on the grounds it had asserted. The Supreme Administrative Court held that there was no reason to change the outcome of the decision of the Administrative Court of Northern Finland. In the three other cases, the Supreme Administrative Court rejected the authorities’ applications for leave to appeal, wherefore the outcome of the decisions of the Administrative Court of Northern Finland was not changed in these cases either. The Supreme Administrative Court ordered the Regional State Administrative Agencies and the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health to compensate EUR 15,000 of the legal costs incurred by the K-Citymarket stores in each decision. Contacts Vilhelm Schröder Counsel +358 40 037 0585 vilhelm.schroder@hannessnellman.com Anna-Maria Tamminen Partner +358 40 550 0687 anna-maria.tamminen@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Aleksiina Markkula Associate +358 44 054 1608 aleksiina.markkula@hannessnellman.com Counsel to Mölnlycke Health Care in public procurement Counsel to Mölnlycke Health Care in public procurement. Contacts Outi Jousi Specialist Partner +358 40 563 7343 outi.jousi@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Counsel to Siemens Mobility in public procurement Counsel to Siemens Mobility in public procurement. Contacts Outi Jousi Specialist Partner +358 40 563 7343 outi.jousi@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Counsel to Takeda in public procurement, 2023 Counsel to Takeda in public procurement. Contacts Outi Jousi Specialist Partner +358 40 563 7343 outi.jousi@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Counsel to Gasgrid Finland Oy in chartering of an LNG floating storage and regasification unit, 2022 Parties: Gasgrid Finland Oy, Excelerate Energy Transaction: Gasgrid Finland Oy's chartering of an LNG Floating Storage and Regasification Unit from Excelerate Energy. Deal Value: EUR 460 million Role: Counsel to Gasgrid Finland Oy Contacts Rabbe Sittnikow Partner +358 40 544 5280 rabbe.sittnikow@hannessnellman.com Santeri Jääskeläinen Associate +358 40 523 8385 santeri.jaaskelainen@hannessnellman.com Heikki Majamaa Specialist Partner +358 44 544 2873 heikki.majamaa@hannessnellman.com Mikko Huimala Partner +358 44 530 0753 mikko.huimala@hannessnellman.com Päivi Tammilehto Counsel +358 50 044 5790 paivi.tammilehto@hannessnellman.com Outi Jousi Specialist Partner +358 40 563 7343 outi.jousi@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Jesper Nevalainen Partner +358 40 582 7826 jesper.nevalainen@hannessnellman.com Lasse Riski Specialist Partner +358 50 571 0749 lasse.riski@hannessnellman.com Klaus Metsä-Simola Partner +358 45 262 8916 klaus.metsa-simola@hannessnellman.com Johanna Haltia-Tapio Specialist Partner +358 40 552 3478 johanna.haltia-tapio@hannessnellman.com Anna Nyberg Senior Associate +358 41 501 9395 anna.nyberg@hannessnellman.com Anniina Hämäläinen Legal Assistant +358 40 828 4068 anniina.hamalainen@hannessnellman.com Counsel to the offeror consortium in the recommended tender offer for Basware Corporation, 2022 Parties Basware Corporation (target), a consortium consisting of Accel-KKR, Long Path Partners, and Briarwood Chase Management (buyer) Transaction Counsel to the offeror consortium of Accel-KKR, Long Path Partners, and Briarwood Chase Management in the tender offer for all outstanding securities in Basware Corporation. Deal Value EUR 620 million Role Counsel to the consortium Contacts Klaus Ilmonen Partner, Doctor of Laws +358 40 831 1868 klaus.ilmonen@hannessnellman.com Tommi Kovero Senior Associate +358 40 523 9292 tommi.kovero@hannessnellman.com Aki Salmela Senior Associate +358 50 307 9056 aki.salmela@hannessnellman.com Robert Gordin Senior Associate +358 44 079 9799 robert.gordin@hannessnellman.com Linnea Lehtonen Senior Associate +358 50 352 4855 linnea.lehtonen@hannessnellman.com Roope Sevón Associate +358 44 281 9880 roope.sevon@hannessnellman.com Heikki Vesikansa Partner +358 40 844 2117 heikki.vesikansa@hannessnellman.com Harri Vehviläinen Specialist Partner +358 40 183 1636 harri.vehvilainen@hannessnellman.com Sofia Ropo Senior Associate +358 40 545 2866 sofia.ropo@hannessnellman.com Mikko Huimala Partner +358 44 530 0753 mikko.huimala@hannessnellman.com Markus Bremer Partner +358 40 716 9676 markus.bremer@hannessnellman.com Pauliina Sutinen Senior Associate +358 50 346 5280 pauliina.sutinen@hannessnellman.com Johanna Haltia-Tapio Specialist Partner +358 40 552 3478 johanna.haltia-tapio@hannessnellman.com Anna Nyberg Senior Associate +358 41 501 9395 anna.nyberg@hannessnellman.com Outi Jousi Specialist Partner +358 40 563 7343 outi.jousi@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Axel Hård af Segerstad Associate +358 40 777 3762 axel.hard@hannessnellman.com Counsel to a Finnish listed company in multiple parallel regulatory proceedings pending before different administrative courts in Finland Counsel to a Finnish listed company in multiple parallel regulatory proceedings pending before different administrative courts in Finland. Contacts Anna-Maria Tamminen Partner +358 40 550 0687 anna-maria.tamminen@hannessnellman.com Annika Tiitola Associate +358 45 679 2850 annika.tiitola@hannessnellman.com Aleksiina Markkula Associate +358 44 054 1608 aleksiina.markkula@hannessnellman.com Vilhelm Schröder Counsel +358 40 037 0585 vilhelm.schroder@hannessnellman.com Show all , Load more References Memberships and Positions of Trust Member of the Finnish Bar Association Member of the Finnish Public Procurement Association Member of the Finnish IT Law Association Professional Background Associate, Hannes Snellman, 2021– Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority, 2020–2021 Education Master of Laws, University of Lapland, 2021 Publications Työoikeudellisia kysymyksiä julkisissa hankinnoissa: milloin kyse voi olla liikkeenluovutuksesta ja mikä on työllistämisehdon suhde työnantajan takaisinottovelvollisuuteen?, Edilex, 2023