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Hannes Snellman’s 2015 Donations

23 December 2015

As part of Hannes Snellman’s Corporate Social Responsibility work, the firm has again this year decided to donate funds for different charity causes.

Our donation recipients in 2015 represent our long-term co-operation partners, but also smaller local charity organisations. The global refugee crisis has inevitably had an impact on our CSR work in 2015.

This year, we have made a donation to UNICEF as well as UN Women, which is the United Nations agency dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women supports globally the refugees who are in the weakest position, being the people who are staying in unstable conditions in the middle of the crisis areas. We have also made a donation to support the partnership between Stockholm’s Central Mosque and the adjacent Katarina Church (i.e. Islamic Relief and Katarina församling Svenska kyrkan). The partnership serves as assistance in welcoming refugees to Sweden and works for enabling different cultures and religions to live side by side with each other. 

It is often said that it is impossible to save the whole world, but we at Hannes Snellman strongly believe that by contributing to important causes we can help to save a part of it by supporting organisations that have dedicated their actions towards those who are in a weaker position in our communities and in the world.

Pro bono is also part of Hannes Snellman’s Corporate Social Responsibility work, and in addition to the donations, we also actively co-operate with different charities and other non-profit organisations.