Aaron Fagerholm’s Article in Lakimies Journal
14 November 2019
Aaron Fagerholm has written an article titled ”Kansainvälisen rikostuomioistuimen esitutkintajaoston päätös Afganistanin tilannetta koskevassa asiassa – Miksei oikeudenmukaisuus vaadi tilanteen tutkintaa?”, which addresses the decision of the International Criminal Court's Pre-Trial Chamber in a matter concerning the situation in Afghanistan and examines why the ICC deemed that an investigation would not serve the interests of justice.
The article discusses the ruling issued by the International Criminal Court's Pre-Trial Chamber on 12 April 2019 relating to the situation in Afghanistan, which is one of the most significant decisions that the ICC has issued during its short history. In addition to addressing a matter that is highly sensitive from the viewpoint of international politics, the decision also raises interesting interpretation questions with regard to how the Pre-Trial Chamber should assess the fulfilment of the criteria for an investigation under the Rome Statute.
Aaron works in Hannes Snellman’s M&A practice, and he advises clients in the field of mergers and acquisitions, as well as general corporate, commercial, and contract law.