The Energy Union: The Commission has launched a public consultation on a new energy market design
16 July 2015
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The Energy Union: The Commission has launched a public consultation on a new energy market design
The Commission launched a public consultation on a new energy market design on 15 July 2015. The purpose of the consultation is to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on the Commission’s vision on an Energy Union. The vision specifies the market design goals and sets concrete proposals on future market development.
The new market design strives to answer the future challenges of the increasing amount of renewable energy and the introduction of new technologies in the energy market and seeks to influence the markets’ ability to invest. The capacity mechanisms are also discussed.
The framework is built on three themes, including the target of an interconnected EU-wide energy market, the promotion of regional cooperation on energy policies, and the goal of providing a European dimension to security of supply.
The results of the consultation will be reflected in future legislative work. The proposed vision could include amendments to the following pieces of legislation:
- Electricity Directive
- Electricity Regulation
- ACER Regulation
- Infrastructure Regulation
- Electricity Security of Supply Directive
- Energy Efficiency Directive
- Renewables Directive
- Network codes
See the consultation here.
The Commission has also launched a consultative communication on delivering a new deal for energy consumers which focuses on the role of energy consumers as active market participants.
See the consultation here.
In its Energy Union Strategy, the Commission announced its intention to propose new legislation on electricity security of supply in 2016, as part of a broader set of initiatives to reform the EU framework governing electricity markets.
See the consultation here.
Further information:
Elina Hautakangas
Telephone: +358 9 2288 4420
Mobile: +358 40 703 8909