Partner Klaus Ilmonen Receives Defensor Legis’ Authors’ Award for His Article on Corporate Governance
3 June 2024
Our Partner Klaus Ilmonen has received one of law journal Defensor Legis’ Authors’ Awards for his article “Yhtiö muutoksessa – yritysohjauksen politiikkaa” published in 2023. The recognised article addresses the impact of the evolving political landscape and increased awareness of corporate externalities on corporate governance and corporate law. Recent regulatory initiatives related to corporate sustainability, for example, are extending corporate liability beyond traditional legal boundaries to cover international supply chains. At the same time, the emergence of climate litigation has demonstrated how new constituencies are placing demands on corporate behaviour. While these developments can change our perception of the corporation, they do not undermine the continued success of corporate enterprises – but underline an increased demand for corporate accountability for its impact on society. The article is available on the website of Defensor Legis (in Finnish).
Klaus Ilmonen’s practice is focused on corporate transactions of publicly traded corporations, including capital markets transactions and takeovers, as well as corporate advisory work. He has also been recently recognised as a recommended practitioner in corporate governance in Finland (WWL). Klaus holds a doctorate in law and also serves as a professor of practice in commercial law at the Swedish School of Economics in Helsinki (Hanken).
Defensor Legis is a law journal published by the Finnish Bar Association since 1920, making it the oldest publication within the Nordic legal profession.