Maria Wasastjerna as Speaker at the Annual (Online) Conference on EU Data Protection Law 2020
24 June 2020
Our competition law expert Maria Wasastjerna, Partner and LL.D., will be speaking at the Annual (Online) Conference on EU Data Protection Law 2020 to be held on 24-26 June. Maria will be discussing the interlink between data protection and competition under the topic “The Facebook case and beyond – the crossroads of personal data protection and competition law”. The conference is organised by the Academy of European Law ERA.
ERA is an EU-supported non-profit public foundation based in Trier, Germany, with a mission to provide practitioners of law – judges, prosecutors, and lawyers in private practice, business, or public administration – with training and a forum for debate on EU law. The ERA conference aims to provide legal practitioners, policy makers, and data protection specialists alike with the necessary guidance and commentary on recent legislative developments and case law, insights on GDPR enforcement, development of responsible artificial intelligence, as well as personal data protection and competition law in an online environment.