Maria Wasastjerna as Moderator in Joint Webinar by the Swedish Competition, Data Protection, and Consumer Authorities
10 November 2020
Maria Wasastjerna, Partner and Co-Head of our Competition Practice in Helsinki, will be moderating the event "Integritet, konsumentskydd och konkurrens i det datadrivna samhället", a half-day webinar organised jointly by the Swedish competition, data protection, and consumer authorities on 12 November 2020.
The webinar will address timely issues at the intersection of competition law, data protection, and consumer protection, such as the use of personal data, data collection, and the possibilities and challenges of the data-driven society. The webinar has an impressive line-up of speakers, including the general directors of the three Swedish authorities: Rikard Jermsten of the Competition Authority, Lena Lindgren Schelin of the Data Protection Authority, and Cecilia Tisell of the Consumer Agency.
For more information and to register (free of charge), please visit the website of the Data Protection Authority here.