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Career Stories | Oona Mäkelä & Jasse Tuunanen, Legal Assistant Trainees

6 September 2024

Oona Mäkelä and Jasse Tuunanen are both working as legal assistant trainees at Hannes Snellman. Oona started working at Hannes in May 2024, while Jasse started working at Hannes in January 2024. Oona is finishing her undergraduate degree in business administration at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, and Jasse is finishing his undergraduate degree in business administration with a special focus on legal expertise at Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

How did you end up working at Hannes Snellman?

Oona: Since the beginning of my studies, I have had an interest in working in the legal field. I had heard of Hannes Snellman in my previous studies, and during my time in Haaga-Helia, I got to hear about Hannes and its work opportunities. When it came time to look for an internship, I knew I wanted to see what it was like working in a law firm, and Hannes Snellman was the firm that most aligned with my interests and goals career-wise.

Jasse: I learnt about the trainee programmes Hannes Snellman offers through an excursion organised by my school. We got to enjoy an exciting and informative presentation about the job opportunities and the work culture of Hannes. That is when I decided to send my application as soon as the next trainee recruitment opened.

Which team do you work in and what is included in your “normal working day”?

Oona: I currently work in the Dispute Resolution and Competition & Regulatory teams. My days consists mostly of administrative tasks and assisting the lawyers and assistants in a variety of ways. I typically start my mornings by reading my email, checking my calendar for anything important, and posting the associate trainees’ hours to our billing system. Besides that, the days can vary depending on many factors, such as the holidays or the status of any ongoing projects within my teams.

Jasse: I work in our IP & Technology, Tax, and Employment teams. My typical day begins by reviewing emails and going through my calendar to make sure I am aware of all deadlines, meetings, and tasks to be completed during the day. If I am not attending any meetings, I assist with preparing and reviewing legal documents for our clients. My day also consists of several administrative tasks for my teams.

What have been the biggest learnings or takeaways for you during your traineeship?

Oona: I have learned how important it is to have good and effective communication skills when working in a team environment. Also, staying curious and asking questions about the work and taking on new tasks has helped me to learn new skills and gain confidence within myself as an employee.

Jasse: Actively taking on new work tasks and responsibilities allows you to maximize your development during your traineeship. I began my journey at Hannes with the mindset of never allowing myself to get comfortable with my work tasks. This has enabled me to learn a tremendous number of new skills in a short amount of time.

What kind of skills are important for a legal assistant trainee?

Oona: Good IT skills and attention to detail are really important, especially when handling a lot of different software and documentation in your day-to-day work. Also being flexible with time management helps a lot.

Jasse: I would say the most important skills as a legal assistant trainee would be strong organisational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment.

Do you have any advice for students applying for traineeships or the legal assistant traineeship in particular?

Oona: Do not be afraid to apply because you feel like you are not “good enough”. The point of a traineeship is to learn and to get to see how you like working in a specific field of work.

Jasse: Do not be afraid to show your personality during the recruitment process. Whether it is the writing of your cover letter, drafting your CV, or an interview for a traineeship position, be yourself and show who you are as a person.



Book: Oona: Throne of Glass franchise by Sarah J. Maas; Jasse: Atomic Habits by James Clear. Lunch: Oona: Poke bowl Jasse: Sushi. Podcast: Oona: Two Hot Takes; Jasse: The Fellas. Work Equipment: Oona: Two screens; Jasse: Pen and paper. Afternoon Routine: Oona: Cooking; Jasse: Snack. Mobile Application: Oona: Spotify; Jasse: Spotify. Relaxation Method: Oona: Music; Jasse: Sauna. Work Outfit: Oona: Flowy skirt or pants; Jasse: Something comfortable but stylish. Social Media Channel: Oona: TikTok; Jasse: Instagram. Drink: Oona: Mate; Jasse: Milk. Weekday: Oona: Tuesday; Jasse: Wednesday. Leisure Activity: Oona: Watching movies or reading; Jasse: Playing / watching sports of any kind.

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