Hannes Snellman is a leading Finnish business law firm entrusted by its clients in matters of critical importance. We are visionary, dedicated, and human — a team of outstanding professionals who work together in a collaborative and empowering environment.
We are a community of individuals working towards a shared goal. With us, everyone is part of the team from day one. We believe our team spirit makes a difference not only to our people but also to our clients — when our people thrive, our clients get the best results.
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Anders Bygglin
Markus Manninen
Anna-Maria Tamminen
Panu Siitonen
We are here to resolve your most complex disputes. We come up with solutions to issues that have not been resolved before, in a manner that is aligned with our clients’ business goals. We are in the best position to assist our clients in negotiations and mediations when we are engaged early in the process. We have experience in assisting clients with business disputes, regulatory and other investigations, and cases of insolvency. We have a wealth of experience in domestic civil, criminal, and administrative litigation all the way from the first instance to the Supreme Court and Supreme Administrative Court. We are also well-versed in cross-border litigation, including precautionary measures, international assistance, and enforcement cases. We act for our clients in both ad hoc and administered arbitration proceedings, including commercial and investment treaty arbitration, drawing on our experience acting as arbitrators.
We approach every case by listening to our clients and make strategic proposals based on the business’ needs. With a focus on complex and international cases, we provide a dedicated team of experts who litigate and arbitrate disputes across different business sectors in an efficient and result-oriented manner. We seek to understand industry and business drivers and take ownership of the matters entrusted to us. We strive to constantly improve our internal processes by early adoption of technology and focus on case management.
We staff every case with a team whose foremost goal is to resolve the dispute in a manner that furthers the client’s business goals. In mandates requiring specialist expertise, we work with other teams at Hannes Snellman to provide the best advice to our clients. In cross-border cases, we co-operate with foreign top-tier law firms and professionals to achieve the required goals. We enjoy resolving business disputes and working together with our clients in finding new ways to do so.
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"Ranked Band 2."
"The lawyers are very effective and responsive."<br />
"The team is accessible, responsive, commercially minded, extremely thorough and strategically focused."<br />
"The team is accessible, responsive, commercially minded, extremely thorough and strategically focused."
"The lawyers are very effective and responsive."
"Reliable and versatile, full-service law firm. Very professional and dedicated team members."
"They are well-resourced and have vast and versatile experience of various types of disputes, including disputes in administrative courts which often involve a significant financial interest."
"They are prepared to dig into and enhance their knowledge about such types of complex legal issues and disputes of which they do not have previous experience."
"Proactive and committed as well as service mindset."
"Excellent team of experienced dispute resolution practitioners."
Jan Lilius
Sarianna Asukka
Ilmari Eskola
Ricardo Gomes
Merja Heikkinen
Minja Jantunen
Emilia Karikoski
Annika Lampela
Saija Lukkari
Juuso Lumilahti
Aleksiina Markkula
Minna Mäenpää
Olli Mäkelä
Ella Mäkijärvi
Viktor Saavola
Kristiina Saukko
Mikko Tavast
Matias Temonen
Laura Tyynismaa
Matti Tyynysniemi
Johanna Vanninen