Home PeopleClaes Backström Practices Capital Markets Corporate Advisory M&A, Public Languages Finnish, Swedish, English Download CV Download contact Send secure email LinkedIn Claes Backström Title: Associate Corporate Advisory, Capital Markets, M&A Email: claes.backstrom@hannessnellman.com Mobile: +358 45 323 5737 Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English Practices Capital Markets Corporate Advisory M&A, Public Languages Finnish, Swedish, English Download CV Download contact Send secure email LinkedIn Claes advises domestic and international clients on a broad range of corporate transactions, with a particular focus on public M&A and capital markets. He also provides advice on questions regarding corporate, governance, and securities markets matters. Selected References Counsel to Cargotec in the partial demerger of Cargotec and separation of Kalmar into a new listed company, 2024 Parties Cargotec Corporation and Kalmar Corporation Transaction Cargotec’s partial demerger and separation of Kalmar Deal Value Approx. EUR 2.0 billion (illustrative carve-out sales) Role Counsel to Cargotec Corporation and Kalmar Corporation Contacts Antti Kuha Partner +358 40 775 7440 antti.kuha@hannessnellman.com Mikko Heinonen Partner +358 40 527 8818 mikko.heinonen@hannessnellman.com Annemari Rosi Senior Associate +358 40 573 5304 annemari.rosi@hannessnellman.com Linnea Lehtonen Senior Associate +358 50 352 4855 linnea.lehtonen@hannessnellman.com Tommi Kovero Senior Associate +358 40 523 9292 tommi.kovero@hannessnellman.com Claes Backström Associate +358 45 323 5737 claes.backstrom@hannessnellman.com Charlotta Palm Associate +358 40 668 9052 charlotta.palm@hannessnellman.com Julius Lempiäinen Associate +358 40 188 4528 julius.lempiainen@hannessnellman.com Heikki Vesikansa Partner +358 40 844 2117 heikki.vesikansa@hannessnellman.com Harri Vehviläinen Specialist Partner +358 40 183 1636 harri.vehvilainen@hannessnellman.com Isabella Kartila Senior Associate +358 44 514 3829 isabella.kartila@hannessnellman.com Anna-Emilia Vuorenmaa Associate +358 50 406 9465 anna-emilia.vuorenmaa@hannessnellman.com Markus Bremer Partner +358 40 716 9676 markus.bremer@hannessnellman.com Josefina Aalto Counsel +358 50 505 7427 josefina.aalto@hannessnellman.com Jesper Nevalainen Partner +358 40 582 7826 jesper.nevalainen@hannessnellman.com Panu Siitonen Partner +358 50 547 1377 panu.siitonen@hannessnellman.com Lasse Riski Specialist Partner +358 50 571 0749 lasse.riski@hannessnellman.com Maria Aholainen Counsel +358 40 7755 010 maria.aholainen@hannessnellman.com Wilhelm Sanmark Associate +358 40 549 8070 wilhelm.sanmark@hannessnellman.com Simon Mittler Associate +358 50 566 3397 simon.mittler@hannessnellman.com Johanna Haltia-Tapio Specialist Partner +358 40 552 3478 johanna.haltia-tapio@hannessnellman.com Annika Sillanpää Associate +358 40 662 3038 annika.sillanpaa@hannessnellman.com Oona Eerola Associate +358 40 729 6008 oona.eerola@hannessnellman.com Essi Svartling Counsel +358 40 180 1470 essi.svartling@hannessnellman.com Päivi Tammilehto Counsel +358 50 044 5790 paivi.tammilehto@hannessnellman.com Monika Parkkinen Legal Assistant +358 40 086 0696 monika.parkkinen@hannessnellman.com Anni Nohteri Legal Assistant + 358 40 682 2161 anni.nohteri@hannessnellman.com Counsel to Sega Europe Limited and SEGA Corporation in the public tender offer for Rovio Entertainment Corporation, 2023 Parties: Sega Europe Limited and SEGA Corporation (Buyers) Rovio Entertainment Corporation (Target) Transaction: Counsel to Sega Europe Limited and SEGA Corporation in the recommended public cash tender offer for all shares and options in Rovio Entertainment Corporation. Deal value: Approximately EUR 706 million Role: Counsel to Sega Europe Limited and SEGA Corporation Contacts Sonja Siggberg Partner +358 40 837 6967 sonja.siggberg@hannessnellman.com Jon Termonen Managing Associate +358 40 767 6347 jon.termonen@hannessnellman.com Sofi Lehtinen Associate +358 40 620 7199 sofi.lehtinen@hannessnellman.com Claes Backström Associate +358 45 323 5737 claes.backstrom@hannessnellman.com Samuel Åkerlund Associate +358 40 679 0644 samuel.akerlund@hannessnellman.com Satu Kokko Senior Associate +358 40 838 9157 satu.kokko@hannessnellman.com Viola Karjalainen Associate +358 45 130 6206 viola.karjalainen@hannessnellman.com Heidi Haanpää Partner +358 50 493 8834 heidi.haanpaa@hannessnellman.com Mikko Huimala Partner +358 44 530 0753 mikko.huimala@hannessnellman.com Annika Grönholm Associate +358 44 253 5358 annika.gronholm@hannessnellman.com Panu Siitonen Partner +358 50 547 1377 panu.siitonen@hannessnellman.com Hilma Mäkitalo-Saarinen Associate +358 40 720 5279 hilma.makitalo-saarinen@hannessnellman.com Wilhelm Sanmark Associate +358 40 549 8070 wilhelm.sanmark@hannessnellman.com Johanna Haltia-Tapio Specialist Partner +358 40 552 3478 johanna.haltia-tapio@hannessnellman.com Ingrid Remmelgas Counsel +358 40 068 3879 ingrid.remmelgas@hannessnellman.com Karoliina Kaartinen Legal Assistant +358 40 577 0425 karoliina.kaartinen@hannessnellman.com Monika Parkkinen Legal Assistant +358 40 086 0696 monika.parkkinen@hannessnellman.com Hanna-Mari Mudi Legal Assistant +358 50 911 9272 hanna-mari.mudi@hannessnellman.com Professional Background Associate Lawyer, Hannes Snellman, 2022– Education Master of Laws, University of Helsinki, 2022